ProjectsHouse of Fairytales
The House of Fairytales, centrally located in the city of Odense, is conceived as a continuous landscape. Our design proposal blurs the boundaries between interior and exterior, between house and surrounding garden. The world of Hans Christian Andersen converges both realms. As a consequence, the Fairytale Garden is spilt and the house hovers therein: embedded into the landscape, whilst paradoxically elevated above.
Mediating between Reality and Imagination
This approach creates daring, narrative and alluring transitional spheres where the world of fairytales offers the opportunity to mediate between reality and imagination. The architectural articulations result from sculpting the garden around an array of imaginative objects that come the life through their interaction with visitors. These include The Castle of the Sea King, The Spiral Memory, The Shadow Play, The Elfin Hill, The Friendly Polypus and the Moon.