NewsReinickendorfer 65/66 published by Deutscher Architektur Verlag
In July, Deutscher Architektur Verlag, a prestigious German publisher specialised on architecture, published their latest book Living. Future-oriented building, featuring our project Reinickendorfer 65 & 66 in Berlin.
Using a selection of individual and innovative architectural schemes, it is shown how future-oriented and sustainable concepts can be implemented in the design of construction projects. “Today more than ever, residential construction is faced with growing challenges. Inner-city space that is becoming increasingly scarce being confronted by the growing need for affordable living space."
Our residential project Reinickendorfer 65 & 66 in Berlin shows that future-oriented and sustainable development and building design are not only possible in new buildings, but also by refurbishing historic fabric.
"With the renovation of the 100-year-old buildings, a harmonious ensemble was created that combines historic qualities with contemporary, flexible and ecological residential use.”
Similarly to Oudenarder 29, our scheme for Reinickendorfer 65 & 66 modernises existing apartments to suit contemporary living patterns. Both buildings date back to the late 19th century and by modernising the apartments through reconfiguring living and kitchen areas and upgrading all hard finishes, residential units will be prepared for another hundred years of use. The final stage of Patalab’s Wedding masterplan will renovate the factory building in the centre of the urban block, completing the vision of a sustainable quarter in which living, working, and playing are in close proximity.